Paul Stanley tiene 66

Hoy el frontman de Kiss cumple 66 años en este planeta y seguramente lo celebrará rockeando como debe de ser.
Paul Stanley nació un día como hoy pero de 1952 en Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
Mientras tanto acá en Deimos 101 pondremos sus canciones a todo volumen. \m/

Shout it out loud!

Happy Birthday to @paulstanleylive Thank you for giving us a break as a brand new band on @wbr Fun Fact: I remember like it was yesterday when we got the call to go on tour with @kissonline Joe LeSte and myself started this band from scratch, so you can imagine the feelings going through me after the reality had set in! I also remember we could not decide on a band name for the longest time. We were driving into the venue to play our first concert in Detroit rock city to a sold out show and we had no band name. We were in the van brainstorming and came up with the name Ego Star! So that was the first name that Beautiful Creatures performed under before we finally came up with our name and before @glen_sobel joined us on drums! ({EGO STAR BACKSTAGE AFTER PERFORMING OUR FIRST SHOW})

Una publicación compartida de A S H B A (@djashba) el


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